Information and Resources

Understanding the differences between Title 32 Special Districts and HOA’s can be complex. The following links can offer clarity and provide you with additional resources and educational material.

Metropolitan Districts

The following information is provided courtesy of McGeady, Becher, Cortese and Williams, pc,

map of Title 32 Districts in the Denver Metro area
What is a Metropolitan District?
What are examples of services Special Districts can provide?
What are the benefits of a Special District?
How are Title 32 Districts different from Homeowners Associations?

Homeowners Associations

What is a Common Interest Community also known as an HOA?
What are examples of services Homeowner Associations can provide?

The following includes the types of services a special Associations can provide:

• Covenant Control

• Design Review

• Reserve Funding

• Fee Collection

• Special Assessment for Budget Deficits

What information must an Association disclose?

Education and Resources